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How Should You Transport Cremated Remains- Local And International

It is very common to see people transporting their loved one’s cremains to different locations like the deceased person’s hometown or country, to a relative’s place, or for an ash scattering spot. At those times, there can be lots of questions arising about what are the rules to be followed and how to transport such cremated remains to their desired locations. By getting to know such basic rules, it would be easier to send the cremains of our loved ones to the places we wish. 

Local transportation of cremains

Transporting the remains within the same country has fewer rules when compared to the international shipments of remains. However, one needs to adhere to the hygienic conditions and precautionary norms mentioned before doing such transportation. Local transportation is nothing but the movements allowed within the borderlines of a specific country. Moving remains between the towns, cities, villages, and states all come under the local transportation. There are three main ways available for transporting cremated remains locally.

  1. Own transportation
  2. Through a hired service
  3. By postal and shipping service
  1. Own transportation

This is the simplest mode of transporting the cremated remains within local borderlines without any restrictions. Moving between the state borders is allowed without any hassle for the native citizens in most countries. There are no strict rules and regulations to be followed in this method, as the remains are transported by individual people or groups using their own vehicle. 

 2. Through a hired service

The next way is by hiring a professional service for transporting the remains within the specified geographic limits. This method ensures the safe delivery of cremains without any personal invigilation. The charges are implied as per the distance covered and assistance provided. When compared to their own transportation, this method would be more professional by delivering the cremated remains with proper care and assistance. These paid transportations provide services like

  • Timely delivery
  • Staff assistance
  • Damage protection

3. By postal and shipping services

The best alternative method for both own and hired transportation is using the postal services. It might sound a bit odd at first but yes, there are options for sending the cremated remains via the local postal and shipping services. Ranging from $150 to $500, people can choose a suitable courier service for the cremains transportation within their own country. The cost of the shipping may increase when the package weighs more due to the urn size or other materials added. The general precautions to be followed before sending the remains through couriers and postal include

  • Proper covering of remains container
  • Sealing of package to avoid spills and damages
  • Using soft wraps like bubble coverings around the containers
  • Clear destination address 

International Transportation of cremains

To talk about the international transportation of the cremated remains, we should consider the legal laws of both the departing and destination country. Unlike local transportation, one has to follow a set of protocols while planning to send the cremains to international locations.

The major way of international transport is via air routes and there are two ways to send the cremains through this method.

  1. Transporting in-person
  2. Send as a cargo/package/courier

Transporting in-person

You can transport the cremains by carrying them on your own through international airlines. Before you plan to take the cremains to international destinations, make sure you have the complete paperwork ready and documents submitted to get the approval for the transportation. Both your departing country and destination country should be given proper information regarding the transportation of the cremation remains. The general documents that one should have for smooth transportation of cremains are

  • Death certificate 
  • Cremation certificate
  • Crematorium statement of acknowledgment
  • Proof of the deceased person’s identity
  • Proof of relationship identity with the deceased

Besides procuring the required documents, you should also consider some other points like the few listed below to pass the security checks and for safe delivery.

  • The ash container should be non-metallic
  • Add a tag or name card on the package to avoid confusions
  • Safe wrapping to prevent damage
  • Better to carry the cremains container in hand-luggage rather than cargo
  • Should be thoroughly sealed to avoid spillage

Send as a cargo/package/courier

Similar to local courier methods, the cremains can be sent abroad as a cargo package. Before your request for transportation is approved, you need to provide proper documents like the few listed above and should complete the approval process before sending it to the destination. One has to specify a clear destination address to prevent the loss and return of the cremains package.

Transportation rules and protocols for cremains vary from country to country. But all the countries would approve if they receive all the required documents and information regarding the deceased and the person in charge. By following the listed procedures and the safety laws, moving cremains to the desired locations won’t be a tough job, and would indeed help in giving a happy farewell to the loved ones.


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